Communication, Professional Education, Historical Narrative, Curriculum, EducationAbstract
The present work seeks to reflect on the role of communication and historical narratives, in the context of education as a system of power. This relationship makes possible the analysis course on different items that constitute our objective. Thus, we aim to understand the degree of influence of the choices of educational guidelines in the teaching and learning process, based on the contents chosen to be part of the students' knowledge framework. Thus, we divided our analysis into four parts, in which each item leads to an understanding of the educational scenario, which is represented in the form of communication of these elements as narratives. The first part seeks to deal with the history of education with the bias of communication and the intentionality of the educational process, through the duality of teaching and training of manpower, maintaining the traditional social structure. The second part deals with historical narrative as research and historiographical production. In the third part, we reflect on the educational system and the power relationship, constitutive of the production of knowledge. In the fourth part, we deal with the intentionality of the school curriculum, as an advent of maintenance of the current order and capitalist interference in its production.
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