
  • Stefânia Steves da Silva Sena Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins
  • Diego de Miranda Leão Diretoria de Educação Especial




Bilingual education for the deaf. Bilingual classes. Polo schools. Municipal Education Network of Araguaína.


This article is the result of research on Steves' dissertation - Reflections for a Proposed Implementation of a Bilingual Education for the Deaf in the Municipal Education Network of Araguaína -TO and the municipality's actions based on the exposed results. The researcher proposes reflections for the implementation of bilingual education for the deaf, meeting a demand from the Araguaína Municipal Education Plan, the Tocantins State Education Plan and the National Education Base Guidelines Law. The objectives were to map current educational linguistic policies in relation to the education of the deaf in the municipal network and propose reflections for the implementation of bilingual education. Documents governing the education of deaf people in the network were analyzed and visits were made to schools and it was found that deaf students were dispersed and isolated, without the provision of bilingual education. It is necessary to think about a curricular matrix considering sign language, identities and deaf culture. Based on the research, the Special Education Directorate used the research studies to offer teaching in/from Libras to deaf students, concomitantly with the implementation of bilingual education in Araguaína.


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How to Cite

SENA, S. S. da S.; LEÃO, D. de M. . OVERVIEW OF DEAF EDUCATION IN THE MUNICIPAL EDUCATION NETWORK OF ARAGUAÍNA-TOCANTINS. JOURNAL TRIANGLE, Uberaba - MG, v. 17, n. 2, p. 80–94, 2024. DOI: 10.18554/rt.v17i2.7723. Disponível em: https://seer.uftm.edu.br/revistaeletronica/index.php/revistatriangulo/article/view/7723. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.