Práticas de ensino na alfabetização

uma possibilidade fundamentada na perspectiva discursiva


  • Maria José Barbosa Universidade Federal do Ceará -UFC
  • Elizangela Silva Mesquita Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC
  • Lílian Sousa de Castro



Literacy. Written language. Discursive Process.



The development of writing activities based on the knowledge of students in the early years of elementary school, which value their role in the literacy process, still represents a challenge for teachers. In this context, the objective is to analyze teaching practices related to writing acquisition by the students during literacy, considering language as both interaction and interlocution form. Based on Vigotski, (2007; 2018), Smolka (1988), Goulart, Gontijo, et al. (2017) discursive literacy perspective, we developed a study that consists of a reflection on the discursive conception of literacy. This study was based on the analysis of the practices developed by a professor in the second year of the public elementary school from the city of Fortaleza, Brazil. As a result of this work, we observed the importance of a professor reviewing their literacy process and considering literacy not as a mechanical act of reading/writing, but a process composed by the interaction and interlocution between professor and students. Another important point observed is that the writing process corresponds to the social practices from which children learn and participate.



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How to Cite

JOSÉ BARBOSA, M.; SILVA MESQUITA, E.; SOUSA DE CASTRO, L. . Práticas de ensino na alfabetização: uma possibilidade fundamentada na perspectiva discursiva. JOURNAL TRIANGLE, Uberaba - MG, v. 16, n. 3, p. 19–36, 2024. DOI: 10.18554/rt.v16i3.7129. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.