
  • Tamara de Castro Régis Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina -UDESC



Geographic Education. , Young, Adults and the Elderly Education. , Welcoming.


Youth, Adult and Elderly Education (EJA) is a modality responsible for the education of individuals who did not have access to school at the conventional age or who, for various reasons, interrupted their studies. When returning to school, the social, cultural, and economic aspects of students, along with their life stories and experiences, must be considered in the pedagogical approach of EJA, especially taking into account the condition of working students. Based on these reflections, we aim to consider the importance of Geographic Education in the EJA modality in recognizing and embracing students and their trajectories. The discussion is grounded in a teaching practice called "Geographic Trajectories," implemented in the EJA of Núcleo Sul I of the Municipal Education of Florianópolis/SC. The justification for these reflections lies in the need to know the students, understand their trajectories and life experiences, establishing bonds that encourage their continued presence in school and spark interest, motivating them to persist in their educational journeys. The text is structured based on a bibliographic research that addresses the dimension of welcoming in EJA, problematizing how Geographic Education can contribute to this discussion. Additionally, reflections on the potential of the teaching practice "Geographic Trajectories" in welcoming and expanding students' readings of the world are presented.

Author Biography

Tamara de Castro Régis, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina -UDESC

She holds a Postdoctoral degree in Education from the Graduate Program in Education at UDESC. She earned her Doctorate and Master's degrees in Geography from the Graduate Program in Geography at UFSC. She graduated and holds a teaching license in Geography from UFSC. She has experience as a Geography teacher in Basic Education, Higher Education, and in the training of Geography and Pedagogy teachers. She is a member of the research groups LEPEGEO/UDESC and LabTATE at UFSC.


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How to Cite

DE CASTRO RÉGIS, T. GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION AND STUDENTS WELCOMING IN THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE, ADULTS AND THE ELDERLY (EJA). JOURNAL TRIANGLE, Uberaba - MG, v. 17, n. 1, p. 77–96, 2024. DOI: 10.18554/rt.v17i1.7347. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.